What "consumers"/"voters" (i.e., complex humans) express as "trust" is not conditioned by political parties. Instead, a predatory capitalist economy has metastasized political parties into "brands" and "products," and "consumers"/"voters" choose among poisonous options, packaged and priced to fly off the shelves.
Trust is a complex human emotion that requires a complex human method to understand its complex human processes and outcomes. What you describe, Umair, are flat, economically-oriented IDEAS of "consumers" and "voters," categories constructed in actuality vacuums and into which you (and most writers experiencing and describing from abstract vantage points) toss complex human beings who are trapped and gagged in those poisonous confines.
When your analysis includes actual on-the-ground observations and analysis--from the conditions that make possible the phenomena you view from above--it will be useful in actually UNDERSTANDING the human basis of democracy rather than offering another argument for more abstract theory.